Clear Water
What benefit to ourselves, others and creation could we see if we shut everything down one day a week?
This is personal! Both for me and you. Success is about intentionality. Very little in life just "happens". So, as we discuss different topics and thoughts, let's have this in mind - intentionality! Because we all want to succeed and success is intentional!
Tagged with: sabbath
What benefit to ourselves, others and creation could we see if we shut everything down one day a week?
We aren’t machines that run non-stop; even apparatus is shut down and serviced from time to time. No, we have God-given perimeters that, when heeded, keep us safe, healthy and productive.
To expect our bodies and minds to recuperate with little sleep, caffeine induced productivity and constantly working 7 days a week is expecting, even demanding, that God perform a miracle, weekly. It’s irresponsible.