The Cost of Change. Don’t Be A Worm!
Leadership requires that we assist people through healthy, necessary, productive change. To move from one phase to another in life, whether personal or organizational, requires two important truths about change.
This is personal! Both for me and you. Success is about intentionality. Very little in life just "happens". So, as we discuss different topics and thoughts, let's have this in mind - intentionality! Because we all want to succeed and success is intentional!
Leadership requires that we assist people through healthy, necessary, productive change. To move from one phase to another in life, whether personal or organizational, requires two important truths about change.
What if our space exploration is really a faith search?
To expect our bodies and minds to recuperate with little sleep, caffeine induced productivity and constantly working 7 days a week is expecting, even demanding, that God perform a miracle, weekly. It’s irresponsible.
Come away from yourselves! Ignore the news reports, stop reading the memes and lock your eyeballs onto another human being! Seek to understand rather than to be understood.
If you can control your mind, you can control your world. Not the world around you, but the world you live internally. No amount of muscle can do this for you.
Key elements in growing ripe peppers, and healthy leaders! Properly responding to leadership fails often results in leadership wins. When we are able to properly help others in achieving their potential, it becomes a win-win! That's what we're shooting for!
Vacations can be wonderful retreats away from the ordinary, but they're not the answer to a peaceful life rhythm. We were designed to live a different pattern, one that incorporates work and rest together, as tightly knit partners.
For the church, “Come and get it” can no longer be the only ticket on sale.We have opportunities to be effective, relevant and healthfully engaging our communities - and we don’t have to plan any of them! It's about the art of loving people!
When we understand what fear is and what it can do, it can become powerless, defeated, deflated.